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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Christopher Ray - by Megan Marks

I don’t even know where to begin when it comes down to talking about Christopher Ray. He was truly one of my best friends and has been for my entire life. I was sitting in my room the other day looking through pictures that I had shoved in every little nook in my room and found some of the greatest ones of John, Christopher and myself. It all started with the pool party at James and Joe Kametz’s house. We were probably in first grade and in the picture was of course John, Christopher, Miles, Adam Darden, Jessica, Callie, etc.….all of the old gang from lower school. It was a great memory, but the thing I remember most about that day was when Christopher and John made James and Joe so angry that Mrs. Kametz threw them out of the pool party….not an unfamiliar occurrence.  

The second picture I came across was when Christopher had his bleached blonde hair and John still had his mole. It was our first homecoming dance, John was my date and Jessica Vinson was Christopher’s. We were all typical middle schoolers, I was ten feet taller than John and Christopher was so skinny that his belt bunched up his kaki pants. It was one of the funniest moments of my life just looking back at that time when we were all in what I call our “IT” stage….gosh it was awful.  

The last couple pictures that I found of Christopher and I were the ones that meant the most. When we were in high school, I would bring my camera to school to capture some of the memories at SA, but in capturing them, Christopher Ray seemed to be the common theme. He was never embarrassed to sit down and take a picture with me. If that was what I wanted, he would do it in a heart beat. As I have told people, Christopher and I were the friends that could try dating for a day, just to see if we had a connection, then once the next day came around we would look at each other and say, “please don’t tell anyone we did this” and still be as close, if not closer than we were before.

At Southampton Academy, I was the only girl from pre-k through 12 grade who stayed with those crazy boys. Maybe I was insane, but I loved them with all my heart. They have pretty much been what my life has evolved around for 15+ years. Yes, I would get sooo frustrated with them at times, but having Christopher and John as my friends made it all worth the ride. They are my closest friends who possess a huge place in my heart. And now even though Christopher isn’t here walking with us, he is in all of our hearts and I truly believe that.  

John and Christopher had a bond that goes way beyond brotherhood. Never in my life have seen two people spend every waking hour with each other and enjoy every minute. They were two peas in a pod. Growing up with these two, has been a part of my life I will cherish forever. There is not one memory I have of Christopher where John wasn’t right beside him…and that’s been a heck of a long time. I remember Santa clause trips, river trips, Edith’s house, pool parties at Windy Hill, ski trips…and I could go on forever. Whenever I participated in any activity with one, the other would be right there. They treasured each others companionship and worked great as a team. I only wish my children one day will have as close a bond with someone as John and Christopher had and will always have.

In the past year I had seen a side of Christopher which I had never seen before. He was finally happy with the life he was leading. He loved being in Southampton County and along with being close to his family, he was branching out to live in his home in Capron. Every time I came home, we would sit up in his garage and he would tell me about all the cool adventures he had been a part of with the Southampton County police department. I had never seen someone so devoted and passionate about their job. He was truly happy with his life and that made my heart so happy for him. Christopher deserved only the best.

Christopher, as people have stated in other stories, was the most genuine person I have ever known. He was always that friend who told me to “come on, who cares if your invited or not,” or “MELV, we are best friends, it doesn’t matter.” He would always be the first person I would call when I came home. Christopher would make any situation better. Even though he definitely has a mischievous side to his brain, his sweet side overtook.  

The last thing I will say is, I had a dream a couple nights ago that touched my heart like something I have never felt. In the dream it was Christopher, John, Daniel Vinson and I and we were at this festival. Well the next thing I know, Christopher was telling all of us that it was ok and he had to go. He also told us that he was perfectly happy and he would see us one day, but not to worry. The last thing I remember was Christopher giving John the biggest hug then he walked into the distance. I don’t know if this dream was Christopher sending me a message, but it’s kind of hard to believe it was just a random dream.  

I miss Christopher with all my heart as well as everyone, but we will see him again. I have no doubt in my mind.

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