Thank you for visiting the memorial site for Christopher Ray.

If you have stories, photos, videos, or even a simple tribute that you would like to share with us, we would love to post it. Please e-mail it as you would like it to appear on the site to Anne Ray (, Jackie Holt (, Sara Milley (, or John Barksdale ( Also, feel free to post comments to stories that are already posted. The family truly appreciates your love and support during this time of grief. 

Friday, October 9, 2009

by Tyson McClenny

Ever since the site went up I’ve been trying to put together a little something that would tell a few of my favorite stories and reflect on some of my fondest memories with/of Ray. Right when I think I’ve summed up a couple of the thousand memories I have, another great memory pops into my head and puts me almost right back at step one. Like I’ve started out before, I can’t stop reiterating on the concept that if there’s one thing Chris did better than anyone else it was his inapt ability to look on bright side no matter what and make sure there was never a dull moment. Although I’ve got my own, I know we all have our memories of Chris that we won’t ever be able to forget, whether it was him executing one of his practical jokes, lightning the mood of a tense crowd (like he did so well), or just lending a helping hand to someone he barely knew.

I’d never really grown up hunting or fishing, but in the last few years Chris had asked me to come along with him a couple of times and I’d begun to develop a real fondness of the outdoors. Ray had found a new interest in bridge fishing if we didn’t feel like putting the boat in or the river wasn’t suitable for fishing. There was many an evening when we would head out right around dusk and bridge fish. Ray would always give me the best spot to fish on that bridge, but hardly ever did that translate into who caught the most fish. He always pulled in more than I did, that’s if he didn’t tangle up his newest glow in the dark bobber on the overhanging power line. He taught me 110% more about hunting and fishing than I ever knew and I hate that he won’t be here to fill me in anymore but I do know what he taught me I only hope I’ll be able to pass on. It will be impossible not to think about him for a minute come this deer season. We were really looking forward to the little time he’d be able to get off from the academy come this fall/winter. I’ll never forget that first buck of his we all tracked that night at Windy Hill (after he’d almost missed it all because he was listening to his ipod and had to shoot with his left hand, but who finds this surprising?!?!), all while JBB was telling him he better have fatally wounded that thing. Then there was the night we stayed out on the river fighting thunderstorms and hellacious mosquitoes, but like usual with him we did come back with some decent catfish. I’m sure all of us have countless memories just like mine but we will never forget the times spent fishing and hunting where even if we didn’t catch or shoot anything we sure had a damn good time because of Chris.

Some of my greatest memories were the times I would pull random surprises on Ray and John just by showing up without saying anything to join in on the countless memories that were undoubtedly in store. The most recent trip was definitely the most memorable. I was sitting at work miserable in my cubicle when I decided it was time to leave the job and head to the beach unannounced with Ray and all the guys for a week I knew no one would forget (they were all that way). Mom was a little upset and Anne Ray said I was stupid, but there’s nothing I wouldn’t give up to do it all again. I’ll never forget those six days spent sitting on the beach laughing, drinking, and living it up from the countless impersonations of the “Barksdales”, the Darius Rucker concert, the walk to the concert, our “signature” dance moves that countless people stole at the concert, to our “signature” dance moves that no one stole at Port O’ Call, the ferocious(ha) shark we caught and wanted to make a trophy piece but the “locals” decided for us it was better to throw back, the elevator we really didn’t break that week, the 16 year old girls that wanted you to buy them beer and never believed you wouldn’t do it because you were a cop, that wind blown skirt, the “I’m going to bed…” speech, your true alias… “Rack ‘Em” Ray chugging Malibu, drinking at the traditional surfing spot every time a fellow surfer went down, Kevin’s Horserace card game that Ray brought to life, “Mother Trucker” and “Aunty Scotty”…and I could sit here and keep going and going. Man, we really did have that much fun together.

Remember, you’re only young once so live free, and enjoy life for all it has to offer. Tomorrow isn’t promised to anyone. Live without regret. If there’s one thing we knew and lived by that was it. The random college roadtrips, beach trips, fishing trips, weekend getaways, and summer vacations will never be forgotten nor will the memories created ever disappear but your spirit will surely carry on and I know if God’s plan was to take you away this early then each and every one of us couldn’t have asked for a better guardian angel upstairs to look down on all of us.

Then there was the time John and I had the pleasure of painting Ray’s “potment” in Capron and man…did we have fun with it. After working long, hot, countless hours John and I had finished and somehow we had missed quite a few spots and as Ray would say “John’s painting was smot, isn’t even a few smeared marks everywhere”, but I’m sure he said the same to John about my bedroom and living room painting. Chris being the type of guy he was made these types of situations funny to all of us. He fueled my comedic fire and I’m unquestionably now, a flame short.

Ray knew I didn’t have the most strenuous of jobs and he always would ask if I wanted to hang out after work, keep in mind this was usually after he got off at midnight. He was always ready to share a story and chill. I’d always be over there Sunday night to watch Entourage and if I wasn’t he’d DVR it with his sweet new Dish Network he loved. We were really looking forward to grabbing Direct Ticket when the NFL season rolled around so we could watch all the NFL games. I really miss those nights and won’t ever be able to stop thinking about what the future might have held with a true friend like Ray, but I know God has his plan and we’re all blessed to have one another to help cope.

Each day I wake up with half a feeling that he’ll be right back but then the other half of me knows he is gone. There are some people who can leave a life lasting impression on someone with only a 5 minute conversation and Ray was one of them. I could always go to him with a problem and even though the two of us might not be able to solve it, we could definitely make light of it, joke about it, have a beer and forget whatever was bothering us in that moment and that is a gift that very few possess. None the less, I know Ray sent that dog (Darby) to Cameron because he had given him hell about wanting to get a Golden Retriever, but I also have an inclination he sent it to me also as a message that as soon as he got up there he found Moonpie.

No matter what I say I don’t feel like my own words can adequately express my true feelings for someone so close to all of us. Like I’ve said before this song seems to say everything I could say into a couple of verses…

“My old friend, this song's for you
Cause a few simple verses
Was the least that I could do
To tell the world that you were here
Cause the love and the laughter
Will live on long after
All of the sadness and the tears
We'll meet again, my old friend”
-Tim McGraw “My Old Friend”

Over the last couple of days I have tried so hard to find a handful of stories that would exemplify his life and what he meant to all of us but the problem is that every moment spent with Ray was a story in itself. And I know I share this belief with a lot of others who knew Ray so well. No matter the circumstances, he made every person around him happier just by his presence alone. Many people can go a lifetime and not have as good/close of a friend as we all had in Chris. He was the funniest person a lot of us ever knew and the best friend any man could ask for. Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget. Although Chris is gone, I think each of us can honestly say that we have something that he has left us with that we can hold on to and pass on to our next generation.

May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields and,
Until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

I love you man, you’ll never be forgotten.

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