Thank you for visiting the memorial site for Christopher Ray.

If you have stories, photos, videos, or even a simple tribute that you would like to share with us, we would love to post it. Please e-mail it as you would like it to appear on the site to Anne Ray (, Jackie Holt (, Sara Milley (, or John Barksdale ( Also, feel free to post comments to stories that are already posted. The family truly appreciates your love and support during this time of grief. 

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

One month ago we said good-bye so tragically...

We miss you, Chris. 

I can't believe it has been a month... It's been so hard. I can't even explain. What has helped me get through the days are the hilarious stories and the memories that people have shared. You were always up to something, and I loved that about you. It is my hope that some of these fantastic memories will get written down, and this is a perfect way to do it so they can be shared with the world. Everyone needs a smile today, and I know if you were here you would be the one to provide it. You touched so many lives in so many ways. 

You opened my eyes to many new ideas... Like the night you took me opossum stomping when I came to visit you, and I believed you when you told me it was totally normal. I know now that no one else in the world has ever heard of opossum stomping. 

Also, it is thanks to you that I will never dye my hair. I remember the very day when Scotti helped you bleach your hair blond at the beach, and you had to let it sit for a while with that plastic wrap over your head. You sat out in a beach chair by the swamp with a fishing pole until it was ready to be rinsed out, waving at every car that passed. That wasn't your best look by the way!

You also told me just a few short weeks ago how you were going to look after Betty from now on... That you were going to go visit her whenever you could, even if it was just for the day. Even though you can't go visit her anymore, I know you are still looking after her. I know you are looking after all of us. Thank you for that. 

And I don't know if you really sent that dog to your house on the day of your funeral or not. If you did, I thank you for that, too. While it might not be exactly what your mom wanted, it helped bring a little light and a little hope to my life. Maybe because I was looking everywhere for some sort of sign that you were okay. That was my sign.

I could go on forever about all the things you have done for me and all the memories that I have, but I want to hear other people's stories, too. Like I said before - they are what help me get through the day. 

May you dance in the clouds until we meet again, my friend. I love you, and I miss you more than you would ever believe. 


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