Thank you for visiting the memorial site for Christopher Ray.

If you have stories, photos, videos, or even a simple tribute that you would like to share with us, we would love to post it. Please e-mail it as you would like it to appear on the site to Anne Ray (, Jackie Holt (, Sara Milley (, or John Barksdale ( Also, feel free to post comments to stories that are already posted. The family truly appreciates your love and support during this time of grief. 

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Missing You

Criffer, I don't know where to start. When Jackie told me about this site it made me sad but happy at the same time knowing it was in your honor. Although I wish there wasn't a reason to be making a site at all. I miss you so much. I still can't believe what happened. It's just not fair. You were so young and your story had just begun. I was so happy that you finally found something that you loved as much as fishing that you could get paid for. I remember when you were driving my car back from South Hill and telling me all these stories about people you had helped and things you had seen since starting your job. I thought you were like a little kid on Christmas you were getting so excited just talking about it. The funny thing is, is that I was always more worried about you off the job than on. I remember a conversation we had not too long ago about our new jobs and loving the night shift. Of course we loved it for different reasons because you said trying to sleep in the car was very uncomfortable. The beach will never be the same without you. I'll hold the special memories with me though: our nights at port o call with mother trucker and auntie scotti, you shooting out the neighbors window with the water balloon launcher, and you and john getting kicked out of every single go kart place in Nags Head. I always teased you about not calling on my birthday but I will never forget the one time you did, you will never know how much it meant. I love you for helping me move out and telling me you were in no rush to get back because that meant we could have that long sit down lunch together; I'm glad we got to do that. I wanted to thank you for sending Darby, she was what I needed. I named her that because she responded to it (not because I said it in a high pitched voice either). My best friend gave me a necklace with our birthstones on it and I wear it every single day. I also had dinner with Ashley tonight, she really misses you. We talked about you alot and no matter what story we were talking about, we were laughing. I bet Earle was surprised to see you and I know ya'll are up there causing insane chaos.

I would give absolutely anything to have you back here with us. I talk to you every night and sometimes throughout the day. I'll keep your memory with me always, I'll carry your love with me forever and I'll be seeing you. xoxo

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